(Article submitted by Jimmie Rogers)
Thirteen members of Council 10208 and their wives attended the Knights of Columbus state retreat at Subiaco Abbey, February 5-7, 2010. It was a time to become better acquainted with one another, to renew friendships with other knights and their wives from around the state, to meet new people attending the retreat for the first time, and to renew our personal commitments as Catholic Christians.
Subiaco_Feb_2010 |
Retreat members were blessed with a very interesting, talented, and insightful retreat master – Deacon Jim Breazile. Deacon Jim is a professed 3rd Order Carmelite and serves as spiritual assistant to a new community of the order in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He is a veterinarian with a Ph.D. in science and an MA in Theology and Scripture. He teaches veterinary and graduate students as a professor at Oklahoma State University in Stillwater, and he serves as retreat master for retreats in Arkansas and Oklahoma.
At the February 2 membership meeting, recently retired Brother Jim O'Donnell spoke about his 26-year career as a Park Service Ranger. He began by referencing and thanking Monsignor Malone for blessing his medal of St. Michael, the patron saint of Law Enforcement Officers. Jim has worn his medal throughout his tenure as a ranger.
As a park ranger he spent time in New York as well as several locations in the West, including Montana. However, his latest service years were spent in Hot Springs National Park, which has seven rangers.
Jim O'Donnell |
Greg Rogers, Harold DelDebbio, Bill Welch, Bill George, and Jim Passe |
The chefs were aided in preparing and serving the meal by Life Member Bill George, Deputy Grand Knight Bill Welch, and Membership Director Jim Passe. They also ran the dish washer and cleaned up the kitchen following the meal.
(Article submitted by Fran Boudreaux, Tour Director.)
The group from Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church, Hot Springs Village, Monsignor Bernard Malone, Pastor and the Church of Our Lady of the Nativity in New Iberia, Louisiana, Father Michael Arnaud, Pastor, bonded together to form lasting memories and friendships during the November 9-22 trip. Pilgrims from Sacred Heart included: Mary Anne and Bob Honzik; Kathleen and Dave Witchger; Carol Cruz and granddaughter Amanda; Marjorie and Tom Thornton; Valerie and Bill Hartnett; Sheila Rhoades; Mary Costello; Sandy and Ted Otero; Dawn Heverly and daughter Kelly Barz; and, Fran Boudreaux Pilgrimage Planner and Director.
Pictured with Monsignor Malone are knights (l-r) Tom Thornton, Bob Honzik, Dave Witchger, Bill Hartnett, and Ted Otero. |
Highlights of the pilgrimage to Portugal and Italy, under the direction of Fran Boudreaux of Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church included spirituality and fun. In Portugal, the group visited the Cathedral and renewed baptismal vows at the Holy Water Font where St. Anthony was baptized before visiting the site of his birth. (St. Anthony was born in Lisbon and died in Padua Italy) I might add that St. Anthony was summoned many times for lost items and help on the trip. He answered.
Jane Parker |
In 1991-92, the Ladies of the Sacred Heart began to support Mission Outreach and has been involved ever since. The Angel Tree Program followed shortly thereafter.
A pro-life initiative is being conducted at Sacred Heart of Jesus. The start of this campaign is set to coincide with the January 17 Mass and the March for Life in Little Rock. It is called the Voice for the Unborn - Baby Bottle Campaign which solicits financial contributions to help purchase ultrasound machines to be strategically placed in crisis pregnancy centers throughout Arkansas and to assist with related expenses. Data show that over 75% of abortion-minded women who see an image of their unborn baby will choose life.
Baby bottles will be handed out after all masses on January 16/17 to serve as a tangible reminder of this campaign. Financial contributions should be placed in the bottle and dropped off at the designated location in the narthex during the next two weeks. Additional bottles will also be available in the narthex for those who do not receive a bottle after one of the masses. Checks should be made payable to Sacred Heart of Jesus and designated for the Baby Bottle Campaign (BBC).
Council 10208 hosted a 1st Degree Exemplification Sunday afternoon, December 13, for six candidates from District 10, three of whom are from the local Council whose team conducted the ceremony. Each received a prayer card and a certificate from the Grand Knight recognizing that their exemplification occurred during the Knights of Columbus Year of the Priest. In a great show of support to the new members, there were 15 brother knights in attendance, in addition to the exemplification team.
The new members are (l-r) Ed Voss, Paul Wirtz, and Ed Cudworth. |
Eleven Council 10208 Brother Knights became Sir Knights of Assembly 2316 at the 4th degree exemplification held on Sunday, December 6, at St. Boniface Church in New Dixie, AR. There was a total of 26 knights exemplified at the ceremony, so the local council had 42% of the participants.
Pictured (l-r) are Dick Breckon, Steve Fetcko, Russell Flack, Father Vic Bieberle, Ron Cuba, Mike Welch, Ray Peters, Bill Roe, Clyde Porterfield, Ralph Melenson, Frank Heverly, and Jim Passe. |
A Sir Knight since 1952 and an honored guest at the exemplification, Father Vic Bieberle celebrated the mass and gave the homily. Pastor Richard Davis welcomed the knights and concelebrated the mass with Father Vic.
Mary Costello (left) and Marilyn Burke |
While more volunteers can always be used, just as important, however, is for everyone to help identify people in need and to report them to either Mary or Marilyn at 922-3915 and 915-8833 respectively, so appropriate services can be offered. In addition to weekly notices in the Bulletin, there are sign-up and information forms in the Narthex.
Financial Secretary Tom Thornton and Grand Knight John Bodensteiner made personal presentations to disburse the funds from the Disabilities Campaign.
Tom is shown giving a $1,000 check to Norine Westerbeck, District Representative for the National Camps for Blind Children. |
John is pictured giving a $2,711.61 check to Lisa Ashburn, Assistant to First Step Executive Director Pam Bland. |