Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
      Daniel P. Sullivan Council 10208
    Fr. Victor A. Bieberle Assembly 2316

Eligibility for the Shining Armor Award requires that within the first year of membership the new knight must:

1) Work on three council service programs
2) Attend at least three council business meetings
3) Receive the second and third degrees
4) Meet with the council's  insurance (field) representative
5) Recruit one new member 

At the time of their first degree exemplification, new knights should have received a Shining Armor card on which to record their progress towards this award.  If they do not have this card, or if there are any questions about this award, contact the membership director or the grand knight.  When the eligibility requirements are completed within the first year, inform the grand knight who will obtain and present the certificate award and a lapel pin.

The 2011-2012 officers approved the following criteria for a knight, other than first year, to earn the Shining Armor Award:
1)      Work on three council service projects
2)      Attend five council business meetings
3)      Attend one 1st Degree Exemplification
4)      Attend one 2nd/3rd Degree Exemplification
5)      Meet with the council’s insurance representative
6)      Recruit and mentor two new members

All criteria must be satisfied within a 12-month period.

This award is given to the deputy of the district in which all of his councils achieve star council status during the fraternal year.  Unfortunately, inactive or defunct councils count against the district in earning this award.
This award is given to the deputy of the district that meets its goals in fraternal year cumulative totals in both new members and member insurance/annuity purchases.

A knight who attains 65 years of age and has had 20 years of continuous membership in the Knights of Columbus is eligible for the Honorary Membership award.  The council's Financial Secretary initiates the process and forwards the name to Supreme for confirmation.  When approved, Supreme sends an award certificate back to the council for presentation to the recipient. 

This award is presented by Supreme via the council to knights who: 1) attain age 70 with 25 years of continuous membership in the Knights of Columbus; or, 2) have 50 years of continuous membership in the Knights of Columbus.
Membership in the VIP club is open to any knight who recruits at least two new members as reported to Supreme on the Form 100.  A certificate is provided by Supreme to the council for presentation to the VIP knight.
The Star Council award is the highest distinction any council can receive.  It is based upon meeting its membership and insurance goals as well as conducting and reporting at least four activities in each of the six program areas of the "Surge....with Service, and meet the 1st Degree requirements as defined below by Gary Nolan.   The award comes to the council from Supreme via the State Deputy.

Gary Nolan, Vice President for Growth and Ceremonials, September 9, 2011

To qualify for the Star Council Award each council will have to "host" or "participate in" four First Degree Ceremonials during the 2011-2012 fraternal year.The definitions of *'host" or "participate in" are as follows:

"HOST" - To "host" a First Degree Ceremonial means to be the sponsor of the exemplification, regardless of where the First Degree team or the candidate is from, and as long as at least one candidate is welcomed into membership in the Knights of Columbus, that council shall be given credit as the "host" of the First Degree Ceremanial. Each hosting council should invite all neighboring councils to participate in their First Degree Ceremonial. (see example below.)

"PARTICIPATE lN"  -  A council that provides at least one candidate that advances to membership in the Knights of Columbus shall have "participated in" a First Degree Ceremonial.

ln the following example: Council A hosts a First Degree, however their candidate cannot attend; Council B provides two candidates, and Council C provides one candidate. ln this scenario Council A would be credited as "host." Councils B and C would be credited far "partcipating in" the First Degree Ceremonial. The exemplification of the First Degree Ceremonial must be reparted on Form 450 by the District Deputy, which includes his comments; or the new Form 450C by the grand knight or financial secretary.  The host council should submit the Form 450C after each exemplification of the First Degree, even if as the host council, they do not have a candidate. The Form 450 and 450C are available to be submitted electronically fram the Knights of Columbus website at All councils are reminded that they have the ability to conduct their awn First Degree at their own council, and may read the parts (if necessary) or use the "Narration CD" in case they beccme shart-handed. The Official Suppliers have available higher quality and lower cost First Degree paraphernalia items and should be contacted directly for those items, along with Ceremsnial Baldrics. 

This recognition is given to councils that receive Star Council status and have also reached 200% of the membership quota.
This award is named for the Order's founder and is given in recognition of outstanding membership recruitment and retention results.
This award is presented in honor of outstanding promotion of the Fraternal Insurance program.
This award symbolizes excellence in the volunteer programming activities that serve our Church, community, council, pro-life stance, families, and youth.