Council 10208 has a two-pronged approach in its campaign to Keep Christ in Christmas this holyday season. A large billboard depicting the nativity scene is being
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displayed during November and December on highway 7 on the Village side of Hot Springs - across from the U-Store It/Flea Market site. The sign is made of vinyl and can be used again next year. This project was coordinated by Church Director Tom Yerina.
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Secondly, Nativity Scene car magnets are being sold to all Sacred Heart of Jesus parishioners after weekend masses and to anyone else interested in purchasing them. The cost is a very reasonable $5.00 each. The magnets make excellent early Christmas gifts, and giving them to children and grandchildren will spread the message to communities across the country. Profits from this project will help defray the cost of the aforementioned billboard. Warden Bill Hartnett is directing this program with a goal of selling 400 this season (Bill reached his goal by mid-December, thanks to the support of the knights and the Sacred Heart of Jesus parishioners).