2016 Knight of the Year - Mike Frantz |
Sir Knight Mike Frantz was recognized by the Council as the Knight of the Year (calendar) for 2016. Brother Frantz was nominated to represent the Council’s Knight of the Year for the State Convention. Brother Frantz successes and contributions during 2016 were significant and worthy of this nomination. He was instrumental in the success of the Treasure Sale as he led the teams to coordinate and execute all the pick-ups, loading and unloading of truckload after truckload of furniture and incidentals from up all over the Village. He was an active and always reliable officer of the Council, a member of our Exemplification Team, actively participated in CPID, assisted with the parish breakfasts, was a stalwart on the Disaster Relief Team, Coordinated the Arkansas Blind Camp Bowling, participated in the Food Basket Program, Food for Seniors, participated and volunteered in the Crosses for Life effort, was a member of Helping Hands, gave over 5 gallons of blood at our blood drives, helped with cheese and sausage sales, the baby bottle campaign, helped with the Youth Free Throw Contests, and was active in Perpetual Adoration. It is with great pleasure that your Brothers recognized you as our own Knight of the Year for 2016. Thank you for all you did and continue to do, Brother Mike!