Family of the Month: Rick and Marie Hylden. Also in attendance was Granddaughter Lyla Henry to steal the show. The Hylden's are always there to jump in and help when needed. You've seen Rick working the 'Fr. Bill outdoor Radio Station' under all kinds of weather conditions. Marie is a Lector, Past President of LOSH (and still very active), Church decorating committee. And ofcourse Rick behind the bar at our Knights functions, set up, and many other functions.
Rick and Marie, Thanks for all you do. And that Granddaughter is a beautiful little girl.
Check Presentation to Special Olympics |
On July 19, 2021, the Knights of Columbus Arkansas State Council presented the Arkansas Special Olympics with a check for over $4000. Pictured are Alan Halman, State Deputy Director; Terri Weir, CEO of Arkansas Special Olympics; Pat McGanon, State Special Olympics Director and Tim Malloy, State Treasurer. Pat is a member of Sacred Heart Council 10208 and Assembly 2316.
This year's annual golf tournament which is the main fundraiser for Catholic Charites of Arkansas will take place for the first time at Diamante Country Club here at Hot Springs Village. Please mark your calendar for Monday, October 18th and make plans to get a team of players together (for a four person scramble) or sign up as an individual and we'll hope to get you on a team. Our parish will help subsidize the entry fee for our Sacred Heart of Jesus golfers up to a certain number of players. Your cost will be $85.00.
Please click here for signup and more information Fr. Bill receives Chaplain metal |
This year's Installation of Officers was tied into our July 6th Council Meeting. District Director Andy Anderson was in attendance to handle the ceremonies and swearing in of Officers. The meal was catered by Jim Sparks 'Home Plate Restaurant'. Officers and their Wifes were invited to attend the event and were included in the ceremony of setting Officers Metals on their husbands. Congratulations to the following Officers and Directors for 2021/2022.
GRAND KNIGHT – Murray Claassen
WARDEN – Dave Nichols
RECORDER – Bill Peterson
TREASURER – Bill Taylor
ADVOCATE – Bob Kulas
TRUSTEE 1 – Rich Rivera
TRUSTEE 2 – Ed Doyle
TRUSTEE 3 – Tom Donnelly
LECTURER – Ken Gordon
OUTSIDE GUARD – Klaus Pawlik
INSIDE GUARD – Francisco Gutierrez
Mike and Chris Frantz Family of the Month July |
This month's Family of the Month is Mike and Chris Frantz. It would be difficult to collect information on all of the things that Mike and Chris are involved in at our church. Chris in LOSH, decorating the church for holiday events, always a help when needed for set up and take down for our Knights events. Mike is never far behind, being involved in many of the same events. If you're a regular at 5PM Saturday Mass you'll see Mike ushering and making sure that everything for Mass is about to go off smoothly. Regarding his assistance and volunteering for Knights of Columbus - He does it all. I have never known Mike to say no to anyone that's asking him for help. Just recently a call went out asking for volunteers to sit with a Knight that was injured and going into surgery due to a house fire. Mike was the first volunteer. Sometime ago a Parishioner lost her home to fire. Frantz to the rescue without a single complaint. Knights of Columbus are proud to have such a good, hard working Christian family like Mike and Chris.
Bob Bowman Knight of the Month July |
Bob Bowman was awarded Knight of the Month at our July 6th Council meeting. Bob has held several positions for the Knights over the years. He also volunteers for several Knights functions. If you look at the adjacent article for 4th of July Church picnic you'll see Bob right in front. Currently he is in a Directors position for 'Right to Life', taking control of the baby bottle project and several 'Right to Life' walks and gatherings in different locations around the state. As a reminder, coming up soon Bob is planning on starting off this year's Baby Bottle Campaign on October 16th and 17th. Never too early to contact Bob and volunteer for this important Knights program.
Cooking Crew |
On Monday July 5th, the 4th of July picnic celebration was held in the Lower Hall after Mass. It was a great success with a good time had by all who attended. The cooking crew cooked Burgers and Hot Dogs. You can access all the photos by clicking here:
Group Photo |
The Taste of Faith Gala was a tremendous success. The event was video streamed for those that could not attend. About 180 dinners were served by Jim Sparks and the Home Plate restaurant crew. Plus, a special thanks to Fr. Bill Elser for making homemade Arkansas peach ice cream.
The Knights of Columbus Council 10208 mailed today a check for $39,000 to the Diocese of Little Rock to support the Seminarian Education Fund. These funds were raised at the Hot Springs Village Knights of Columbus Council 10208 Taste of Faith fund raising dinner on June 25, 2021 with a 171 in attendance, including Bishop Taylor, Fr. Jeff Hebert (our new Vocation’s Director) and 12 Seminarians. This year we will be supporting a total of 5 Seminarians. Most Councils around the state support only one.
Thanks go to Walter Free for handling ticket sales for the event as well as the set up and clean-up crew Brother Knights and wife’s. We were also treated to excellent piano music provided by Brother Knight Brice Rainey before the event.
During the evening 5 lucky raffle winners each took home a gallon of Fr. Bill’s homemade ice cream. The audience heard inspirational talks from Fr. Jeff, Dc. Jaime Nieto and Fr. Bill. The dinner was hosted at Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church.
At the conclusion of the evening Grand Knight Murray Claassen presented a check to Bishop Taylor, from the Knights of Columbus Council 10208 and another from Fr. Bill Elser from the regular stewardship of Sacred Heart Parishioners.
Congratulations and Thank You to Parishioners and Brother Knights that contributed to the Seminarians.
The total raised by our Council for the evening was $35,630.00.
Plus a few additional donations in the days following of $3,370.00.
The amount raised from Sacred Heart Parishioners $30,000.00.
Grand Total $69,000.00.
Click on the link for more pictures
On Tuesday June 15th, Assembly 2316 installed officers for the 2021/2022 fraternal year. After Mass, District Master Representative Lloyd Cambre swore in the new officer slate as follows:
Faithful Friar Father Bill Elser
Faithful Navigator Ed Doyle
Faithful Captain Mike Frantz
Faithful Pilot Walter Free
Faithful Comptroller Bill Patterson
Faithful Scribe Larry Gremillion
Faithful Purser Bob Kulas
Faithful Inner Sentinel Rick Darnell
Faithful Outer Sentinel Ray Ambrozich
Faithful Admiral Dave Witchger
Faithful Trustee Tom Donnelly
Faithful Trustee Gary Wolfer
Faithful Trustee Mike Kerwin
Faithful Friar Father Bill Elser
Faithful Navigator Ed Doyle
Faithful Captain Mike Frantz
Faithful Pilot Walter Free
Faithful Comptroller Bill Patterson
Faithful Scribe Larry Gremillion
Faithful Purser Bob Kulas
Faithful Inner Sentinel Rick Darnell
Faithful Outer Sentinel Ray Ambrozich
Faithful Admiral Dave Witchger
Faithful Trustee Tom Donnelly
Faithful Trustee Gary Wolfer
Faithful Trustee Mike Kerwin
Gala Dinner |
After the installation, a gala dinner was held in the lower hall. 78 Sir Knights and their ladies attended this wonderful evening. New Faithful Navigator Ed Doyle assured everyone that the new team would strive to continue the high performance levels set by Tom Donnelly and his officers.
Click here for all the Photos:
Click here for all the Photos: