Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
      Daniel P. Sullivan Council 10208
    Fr. Victor A. Bieberle Assembly 2316

Prayer List

  • Dennis Becker
  • Frank Benda
  • Richard Birzer
  • Rob Bower
  • Randy Bussone
  • Ron Cuba
  • Jim Goodson
  • Ken Gordon
  • Dub Green
  • Larry Gremillion
  • Bill Janser
  • Fred Jungers
  • Jack Justilian
  • Rick Martinek
  • Bob Mierzwiak
  • Francis Pope
  • Richard Wille

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Knights of Columbus Charity Golf Tournament Saturday, July 12, 2025.
Past Faithful Navigator Ron Boudreaux (l) passing the gavel to Faithful Navigator Ed Miller (r) with Arkansas Master Max Nutt as witness.
The Installation of Assembly Officers for 2012-2013 occurred Tuesday evening, May 22.  Faithful Navigator Ron Boudreaux led the rosary at 5:00pm, and it was followed by social time before the catered dinner at 6:00pm.  There were 43 in attendance, including Faithful Friar Bill Elser, Arkansas Master Max Nutt and his wife Juanita, and several Sir Knights to be installed from the Hot Springs Assembly.

Max conducted the installation, and he was assisted by Gerald Krawczynski and four members of the honor guard, Tom Yerina, Ray Ambrozich, Bob Heisler, and Larry Cruz.

Arkansas Master Max Nutt expressed his thanks to Assembly 2316 for its hospitality, not only for this event, but also for the many times that he was a guest of the Assembly during his 5-year tenure as Arkansas Master.

Past Faithful Navigator Ron Boudreaux thanked all of the sir knights in general and a few specifically for their excellent service to him and the assembly during his tenure as leader.

The following is a list of the Sir Knights with their new positions: 
Ed Miller                  Faithful Navigator
Bill Welch                Faithful Captain
Sammy Justus       Faithful Comptroller
Fr. Bill Elser            Faithful Friar
Ron Boudreaux     Faithful Admiral
Ray Bertrand          Faithful Purser
Tom North              Faithful Pilot
Jack Widlowski     Faithful Scribe
Clyde Porterfield   Outer Sentinel
Marshall Garrison Inner Sentinel
Jerry Bertrand        Trustee 1
Russ Harrison      Trustee 2
Mike Kerwin           Trustee 3

Check out the pictures of the event by clicking on the PHOTO Gallery.

The Knights of Columbus 4th Degree Assembly and the Sacred Heart of Jesus Men’s Club co-sponsored a Christmas Dinner/Dance in the Lower Hall on Friday, December 2.  All parishioners and their guests were invited to attend the $25 per person event.  Getting into the Christmas spirit early, 179 guests in their "after 5" attire attended the festive party.

A social with a donation bar began at 5:00 pm with Home Plate serving the dinner at individual tables at 6:00.  The entrée was a choice of prime rib au jus with horseradish sauce, roasted turkey breast, or pork loin with apricot glaze.  Roasted rosemary red potatoes, broccoli & carrots, rolls, salad with ranch or rosemary vinaigrette completed the main menu. There was a choice of pecan pie or cheesecake for dessert with coffee and tea to drink.

Dancing to the Blue Velvet band followed the dinner.

Russ Harrison handled the publicity, ticket sales, and band arrangements. Bob Rodgers worked with the caterer and supervised the set up of the hall.  Bob Heisler and Dan Murphy took care of refreshments.

Knights and spouses in addition to the Harrisons and Rodgers involved in the hall and table decorations included Jack Griffin, Ron Boudreaux, Jim Passe, Ron Cuba, and Terry O'Brien. 

Ed Miller and Max Nutt

During the program following the November 4 Memorial Mass and Banquet, Arkansas Master presented the 2010-2011 Civic Award to Faithful Captain Ed Miller in the absence of Past Faithful Navigator Jerry Bertrand.

The Civic Award is presented annually as a tribute to the spirit of patriotism and national pride exemplified in the patriotic activities conducted by Fourth Degree assemblies. Assemblies conducting a minimum of four different patriotic programs during the fraternal year are eligible for the Supreme Council Civic Award.

During the 2010-11 fraternal year, 344 assemblies received the Civic Award. To be eligible, assemblies must complete and submit the Civic Award application to the Supreme Council office by June 30. All assemblies are encouraged to achieve Civic Award status each and every fraternal year.



On June 21, a 5:30pm mass at St. Andrew's Cathedral in Little Rock was concelebrated by Bishop Anthony Taylor and the priests who were being honored - those who had attained 25, 50, or 60 years in the priesthood and those who had retired. 

In his homily, Bishop Taylor referenced the feast day of St. Aloysius Gonzaga, while both comparing and contrasting the saint's life with that of the priests in attendance.  One very obvious difference was the breadth of life experiences, since St. Aloysius died at the age of 23 from the plague contracted while serving in a hospital, only five years after he had joined the Jesuit order. 

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Honor Guard Sir Knights Ray Ambrozich (l) and Gerald Krawczynski presenting Faithful Navigator Ron Boudreaux and the Hot Springs Faithful Navigator to District Master Max Nutt.
Father Vic Bieberle accepting his plaque in recognition of his 14 years of service as Faithful Friar for Assembly 2316.
The Assembly concluded its 2010-2011 Fraternal Year with a dinner and installation of officers on Tuesday evening, May 24, in the Lower Hall.  The installation was conducted by Max Nutt, Arkansas District Master, and it included officers from the Hot Springs Centennial Assembly 1892.

All of the Sir Knights were dressed in tuxes and social baldrics with their spouses also appropriately attired for the event.  The food was catered to 81 diners by Home Plate.

Faithful Navigator Jerry Bertrand conducted the meeting before handing the gavel to the new Assembly leader, Ron Boudreaux.

Father Vic Bieberle was honored with a plaque for serving the Assembly as Faithful Friar from 1997 until February 2011, when he relinquished his duties to Father Elser, Sacred Heart of Jesus Pastor.  Also honored with special plaques were Bill and Diane Patterson, Family of the Year, and  Ray Bertrand, Sir Knight of the Year.

The new faithful officers are as follows:
Navigator - Ron Boudreaux
Comptroller - Sam Justus
Friar - Father Bill Elser
Captain - Ed Miller
Admiral - Jerry Bertrand
Purser - Ray Bertrand
Pilot - Tom North
Scribe - Bill Roe
Outer Sentinel - Clyde Porterfield
Inner Sentinel - Marshall Garrison
Trustees - Mike Kerwin, Russ Harrison, Hal Platt
Honor Guard Captain - Tom North
Membership Chairman - Jim Passe
Flags Forever Chairman - Russ Harrison

Click on Organization to view photos of the new officers and click on Photos to view a gallery of photos from the installation ceremony.
Hot Springs Village Assembly 2316 hosted a 4th Degree Exemplification at Sacred Heart of Jesus on Saturday, April 2.  Seven councils sent 29 candidates to the exemplification with 13 from local Council 10208.  State Master Max Nutt  (Bigelow AR) was assisted by Vice Supreme Master Skip Gentle (Birmingham AL) in conferring the degrees following instruction by the team consisting of Sir Knights Russ Anzalone, Jacob De La Paz, William Durbin, Phil Hahn, Gerald Krawczynski, Frank Letzig, Jimmy McKinnon, Kenny Petty, Bob Wajda and John Bodensteiner.

Coordinating the organization of the event for the Assembly were Sir Knights Mike Kerwin, Gerald Krawczynski, and Bill Patterson with John Bodensteiner as MC. The Ladies' Program, held at Tranquilo Restaurant, was arranged by Pat Widlowski, Cathy Bertrand, Pat Cudworth, Janice Spaniel, and Kathleen Nosek.  The Honor Guard, under the direction of Captain Tom Yerina, and many other sir knights participated not only in the preparations, but also all other phases of the activities, including most of the ministries involved in the 5:00 pm mass concelebrated by Father Bill Elser and Father Vic Bieberle.  

The dinner with three entree choices and three dessert choices was catered by the Home Plate to 175 knights and spouses.   A program followed during which the new sir knights were given their certificates, and Father Bill Elser, a 4th Degree knight himself, was given special recognition for his long and dedicated service to the Knights of Columbus, including service as State Chaplain and State Friar. The thirteen knights exemplified from local Council 10208 included: Richard Fernald, Deacon John Froning, Robert Heisler, Jim Jendro, Billy Jones, Scott Krantz, Alexander Ladish, Deacon Larry Lipsmeyer, John Lucas, James O'Donnell, Robert Rodgers, Greg Rogers, and Larry Stein.

Check out the photos from the exemplification by clicking on Photos on the top right of the Assembly home page and click on the first photo of the April 2 Exemplification. 

It is customary for the host council to honor an individual in conjunction with an exemplification.  Father Bill’s service to the Little Rock Diocese and the Arkansas Knights of Columbus, readily explains why Assembly 2316 chose to honor him at the April 2 Exemplification.

Father Bill came to Sacred Heart of Jesus in June 2010. He was the fourth of nine children, born and raised in Hot Springs, and he attended schools there. During that time, he also was a mass server for former Sacred Heart of Jesus pastor, Monsignor Malone. He earned an undergraduate degree from the University of Central Arkansas in Conway. He subsequently enrolled at Holy Trinity Seminary in Irving TX, and, after earning a Master of Divinity Degree, he was ordained a priest in the Little Rock Diocese on May 31, 1986.

Before being assigned to Sacred Heart of Jesus, Father Elser served in a number of parishes as an associate pastor including Immaculate Conception in Fort Smith; St. Peter the Fisherman in Mountain Home; Immaculate Conception in North Little Rock, and he served as pastor at Blessed Sacrament in Jonesboro; Sacred Heart of Mary in Barling; St. Boniface in Fort Smith; St. Francis of Assisi in Fairfield Bay; and Our Lady of Fatima in Benton.

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