Knights of Columbus Charity Golf Tournament Saturday, July 12, 2025.
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The Arkansas Special Olympics Summer Games were held May 23-25 at Harding University in Searcy. The opening ceremonies began at 7:30pm in the stadium on Thursday.
Honor Guard members from three councils led the procession, including 3 from Heber Springs, five from Hot Springs Village, and 4 from Mountain Home.
Council 2316 was represented by Ray Ambrozich, Steve Fetcko, Bob Heisler, Mike Kerwin, and Bill Nosek.
See the complete article and photos in the Council section of this web site.
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Special thanks to those who made the evening a success:
*St. Francis House team of Ken Mace, Eloise Cotton, Julie Schafer, and Mike Parker
*Dessert providers Tom and Kathy Ament and Jack and Pat Widlowski
*Attendees and dessert providers Mike and Ruth Kerwin, Carl and Anna Suttor, Mike Frantz, Gerald Krawczynski, Dub and Geri Green, and Ray and Gynnie Ambrozich from the Knights, Jim Albright from the VFW, and Jim Gruenewald from the American Legion.
*The vets themselves.
It was also a learning experience for the team. The next time, which will be sometime in June, there will be hor'dourves, sugar free items, fruits, vegies, breads, chips and dip, etc and a modest amount of sweets. The visitors also presented St. Francis House with a 40-cup coffee maker and a 12-quart juice dispenser.
Click on Photos to see pictures of the event.
Assembly 2316 has once aga
in demonstrated its expertise in hosting a 4th Degree Exemplification. It had most recently hosted it on April 2, 2011. The feedback from attendees was very positive.
There were 36 candidates from around the state, including 15 from Hot Springs Village, who went through this exemplification. There were 39 women participating in the special luncheon and program and 140 Sir Knights and spouses attending the banquet. The menu included a green salad, open face roast beef, rosemary potatoes, green beans almondine, and chocolate meringue pie.
There was a number of special guests from Arkansas, along with the new State Master Russell J. Anzalone. G. Vernon "Skip" Gentle Jr, Bienville Province Vice Supreme Master from Birmingham Alabama, also attended.
The Honoree of this Exemplification was Sir Knight Father William Elser. He is not only the chaplain for Assembly 2316, but also for the state.
Exemplification team members consisted of Russ Anzalone, Jacob DeLaPaz, William Durbin, Phil Hahn, Gerald Krawczynski, John Lett, Jim Limbird, Jimmy McKinnon, Kenny Petty, and Marc Rios.
Local Council knights who were exemplified included: Walt Chavis, Jim Cone, Ed Doyle, Jim Dyar, Mike Garstecki, Jim Gerwig, Bill Gribbon, Tom Hickox, Floyd Hodge, Pat McGannon, Carl Suttor, Jim Walker, Ron Wilging, Gary Wolfer, and Richard Woodfin. There are now 157 members of the Assembly. Two priests were also exemplified, Father Babu Battula of the Hot Springs Assembly and Father Andrew Hart of Little Rock. Recently ordained, Father Hart was one of the seminarians that Council 10208 had sponsored through the RSVP program.
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2013 4th Exemplification March 16 |
There were 36 candidates from around the state, including 15 from Hot Springs Village, who went through this exemplification. There were 39 women participating in the special luncheon and program and 140 Sir Knights and spouses attending the banquet. The menu included a green salad, open face roast beef, rosemary potatoes, green beans almondine, and chocolate meringue pie.
There was a number of special guests from Arkansas, along with the new State Master Russell J. Anzalone. G. Vernon "Skip" Gentle Jr, Bienville Province Vice Supreme Master from Birmingham Alabama, also attended.
The Honoree of this Exemplification was Sir Knight Father William Elser. He is not only the chaplain for Assembly 2316, but also for the state.
Exemplification team members consisted of Russ Anzalone, Jacob DeLaPaz, William Durbin, Phil Hahn, Gerald Krawczynski, John Lett, Jim Limbird, Jimmy McKinnon, Kenny Petty, and Marc Rios.
Local Council knights who were exemplified included: Walt Chavis, Jim Cone, Ed Doyle, Jim Dyar, Mike Garstecki, Jim Gerwig, Bill Gribbon, Tom Hickox, Floyd Hodge, Pat McGannon, Carl Suttor, Jim Walker, Ron Wilging, Gary Wolfer, and Richard Woodfin. There are now 157 members of the Assembly. Two priests were also exemplified, Father Babu Battula of the Hot Springs Assembly and Father Andrew Hart of Little Rock. Recently ordained, Father Hart was one of the seminarians that Council 10208 had sponsored through the RSVP program.
2013 Feb Homeless vets resized 6 |
The event was attended by knights Mike Kerwin, Dan Murphy, Mike Murphy, Bill Nosek, Greg Rogers, Dave Salmen, Tom Thornton, and Marvin Young as well as Jim Albright from VFW, and Mary and Dallas Erdman from the American Legion. Special recognition goes to Dan, Dave, and Greg for preparing the food and to Bill for coordinating the setup with Ken and his staff.
Tentative plans call for meals to be served in May, July, and October. Other members of the food group include John Bodensteiner (coordinator), Jim Passe, and Anna and Carl Suttor.
Click the Photos button for a few pictures of this event.
At its first f
ormal meeting of the 2012-2013 Fraternal Year, the Assembly invited two representatives from the Saint Francis House in Littel Rock to address the members about its function. This imvitation followed a visit to St Francis by Faithful Navigator Ed Miller and Bill Nosek, and it designed to help the Assembly make a decision about a potentail new patriotic venture. There was a good turnout for the meeting and an enthusiatic response to the speakers, Employment Director Eloise Cotton and Reintegration Director Ken Mace.
"The mission of the St. Francis Homeless Veteran Reintegration Program is to provide a means of addressing the diverse employment needs of the homeless veteran.
It has implemented a program that targets female veterans and veterans with families. The program is funded through a grant from the Department of Labor, and it partners with the Arkansas Workforce Services, the Department of Veterans Affairs, and other homeless service providers in the community. The focus of the program is to provide employment services to assist the homeless veteran with viable employment and a stable living environment."
Following the presentation, the Assembly decided to work with the St Francis House. A number of knights signed up to be part of a committee to determine the extent of involvement. On an interim basis, about 20 boxes of items were selected from the Sacred Heart of Jesus Treasure Sale just before its conclusion on Saturday. The items were delivered to St Francis the following week.
Mike Kerwin is the liaison between the St Francis House and the committee, which is in the process of discerning how best to complement the efforts of the staff in meeting the needs of the homeless vets.
Eloise Cotton |
"The mission of the St. Francis Homeless Veteran Reintegration Program is to provide a means of addressing the diverse employment needs of the homeless veteran.
Ken Mace |
Following the presentation, the Assembly decided to work with the St Francis House. A number of knights signed up to be part of a committee to determine the extent of involvement. On an interim basis, about 20 boxes of items were selected from the Sacred Heart of Jesus Treasure Sale just before its conclusion on Saturday. The items were delivered to St Francis the following week.
Mike Kerwin is the liaison between the St Francis House and the committee, which is in the process of discerning how best to complement the efforts of the staff in meeting the needs of the homeless vets.
2012 July 4 Honor Guard |
Most recently they attended the 9:00am mass on July 4 in honor of Independence Day and the conclusion of the formal portion of the Fortnight for Freedom. They also presented the colors prior to the recitation of the Patriotic Rosary after mass.
Reference the following article about their participation in Flag Day activities which were co-hosted at Sacred Heart with the American Legion and the VFW. Prior to that four members of the Honor Guard participated in the opening ceremonies for the Arkansas State Special Olympics held in Searcy at the end of May.
Pictured above (l-r) in the narthex before mass on July 4 are Bill Patterson, Ron Boudreaux, Rolf Oesterle, Mike Kerwin, Bill Hartnett, Steve Fetcko, Gerald Krawczynski, Bob Heisler, Tom North, Ray Bertrand, Larry Cruz, and Tom Yerina.
There are also pictures of posting the colors in the PHOTO Gallery
On Thursday,June 14, the HSV Assembly hosted the 2012 Flag Day event at Sacred Heart of Jesus Church. This is the first time that the Hot Springs Village ceremony was held at Sacred Heart.
Coordinator Mike Kerwin worked with Father Elser in setting up the event to include Mass and the Patriotic Rosary prior to the ceremonies in the Lower Hall. The Honor Guard presented the colors in the Sanctuary before the rosary.
The schedule for the morning's activities at Sacred Heart follow:
7:00am Flags placed around the Church grounds
9:00am Mass celebrated by Fr. Bill (4th Degree servers and lector)
9:45am Patriotic Rosary in the nave of the Church (Honor Guard and the Choir will participate)
10:45am Program in Lower Hall to include free coffee, donuts, and juice.
5:00pm Flags taken down
The program in the Lower Hall started promptly at 10:45am:
Welcome............................................................Mike Kerwin, Assembly's Coordinator
Opening Prayer..................................................Father Bill Elser
Posting of the Colors..........................................American Legion and VFW
Pledge of Allegiance..........................................Garry Berry, American Legion
National Anthem................................................All
What the Flag Means to Me..............................Alvin Smith with Boys and Girls Club Members
Special Presentation.........................................Garry Berry Presents a Certificate to Tom Johnson
Patriotic Songs..................................................Bill Evans
America the Beautiful...................................All
God Bless America......................................All
Closing Prayer..................................................Father Bill Elser
Taps..................................................................Bill Scholl
Approximately 150 people attended. Dennis Zymboly had his great flag display available.
This event was jointly sponsored by the American Legion, The Knights of Columbus Assembly 2316, and the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW).
Photos are available by clicking on PHOTOS in the upper right of the home page.
Coordinator Mike Kerwin worked with Father Elser in setting up the event to include Mass and the Patriotic Rosary prior to the ceremonies in the Lower Hall. The Honor Guard presented the colors in the Sanctuary before the rosary.
The schedule for the morning's activities at Sacred Heart follow:
7:00am Flags placed around the Church grounds
9:00am Mass celebrated by Fr. Bill (4th Degree servers and lector)
9:45am Patriotic Rosary in the nave of the Church (Honor Guard and the Choir will participate)
10:45am Program in Lower Hall to include free coffee, donuts, and juice.
5:00pm Flags taken down
The program in the Lower Hall started promptly at 10:45am:
Welcome............................................................Mike Kerwin, Assembly's Coordinator
Opening Prayer..................................................Father Bill Elser
Posting of the Colors..........................................American Legion and VFW
Pledge of Allegiance..........................................Garry Berry, American Legion
National Anthem................................................All
What the Flag Means to Me..............................Alvin Smith with Boys and Girls Club Members
Special Presentation.........................................Garry Berry Presents a Certificate to Tom Johnson
Patriotic Songs..................................................Bill Evans
America the Beautiful...................................All
God Bless America......................................All
Closing Prayer..................................................Father Bill Elser
Taps..................................................................Bill Scholl
Approximately 150 people attended. Dennis Zymboly had his great flag display available.
This event was jointly sponsored by the American Legion, The Knights of Columbus Assembly 2316, and the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW).
Photos are available by clicking on PHOTOS in the upper right of the home page.
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Pictured (l) Milt Spaniel, Larry Linteau, Chris Gleason, Ed Calhoun, and Jim Passe |
Sir Knights, congratulations and welcome to Assembly 2316!