Knights of Columbus Charity Golf Tournament Saturday, July 12, 2025.
Finished window that has been caulked and glazed with the trim repaired and painted. |
On the following Saturday, October 26, a team of Mike Frantz, Mike Kerwin, Lanny Mabus, and leader Dave Witchger finished the inside and outside caulking, glazing, and painting. Again, they worked about five hours.
With the window project completed, the volunteers are discussing with Ken Mace the replacement of the fascia on the front of the Chapel. However, access for this project is complicated by an awning located over the Chapel's entrance.
View pictures by clicking on Photos.
On Monday, September
16, the Knights, VFW, and American Legion hosted a 6pm social at St. Francis House in Little Rock. Finger food, punch and coffee were provided. The food consisted of sandwiches, fruit, deviled eggs, veggies, breads, cookies, and cake.
There are currently 38 vets at the House who participated. It was a good evening with good interaction between team members and the vets. The food left over was made available for the Monday Night Football watchers. The Friendship team will plan one more event for this year. Coordinator Mike Kerwin stated, "I want to thank all of the volunteers for their participation."
Attendees included: Carl and Anna Suttor, Bill and Mary Lou George, Ed Pilarski, Ray and Gynnie Ambrozich, Bill and Valerie Hartnett, Bill and Kathleen Nosek, Gerry Krawczynski, Jim and Beverly Albright, Dub and Geri Green, Ed Keearns, Jim Dyar, Marshall Garrison, Tom Donnelly, Mike Garstecki, and Doug Bead.
Not in attendance, but providing food were Ed Miller, Jim and Marge Vorisek, and Dub and Geri Green's neighbor.
See pictures in Photos.
Tables of food prepared by the volunteers. |
There are currently 38 vets at the House who participated. It was a good evening with good interaction between team members and the vets. The food left over was made available for the Monday Night Football watchers. The Friendship team will plan one more event for this year. Coordinator Mike Kerwin stated, "I want to thank all of the volunteers for their participation."
Attendees included: Carl and Anna Suttor, Bill and Mary Lou George, Ed Pilarski, Ray and Gynnie Ambrozich, Bill and Valerie Hartnett, Bill and Kathleen Nosek, Gerry Krawczynski, Jim and Beverly Albright, Dub and Geri Green, Ed Keearns, Jim Dyar, Marshall Garrison, Tom Donnelly, Mike Garstecki, and Doug Bead.
Not in attendance, but providing food were Ed Miller, Jim and Marge Vorisek, and Dub and Geri Green's neighbor.
See pictures in Photos.
A Fourt
h Degree Exemplification was hosted by Bishop Andrew Bryne Assembly 0024 at Our Lady of the Holy Souls Catholic Church in Little Rock on Saturday, August 17. Twenty candidates were exemplified into the Fourth Degree by Arkansas State Master Russ Anazlone. The honoree was Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI. Knight dignitaries in attendance were current State Deputy Mike Kieffer and former Masters Bob Peters and John Shields.
Local Council 10208 member William "Bud" Campbell along with Benton Council 9396 members Lloyd Cambre and James Wallker were exemplified. Current Assembly 2316 members Gerald Krawczynski, Bert Steck, and Gordon Wilson accompanied and supported the candidates.
Pictured (l-r) are Sir Knights: Gerald Krawczynski, Gordon Wilson, Bud Campbell, James Walker, Lloyd Cambre, and Bert Steck. |
Local Council 10208 member William "Bud" Campbell along with Benton Council 9396 members Lloyd Cambre and James Wallker were exemplified. Current Assembly 2316 members Gerald Krawczynski, Bert Steck, and Gordon Wilson accompanied and supported the candidates.
Rick Hiemenz and Rosemary Rogers in Saint Francis kitchen. |
Rosemary and Greg Rogers along with Rick Hiemenz prepared the delicious and plentiful meal consisting of pulled pork served on bread and topped with mashed potatoes and gravy with green beans as a side. There were brownies, cake, and cookies for dessert. A bottle of Mountain Dew was provided to each vet by St Francis House. A special thanks goes to the Rogers for donating the food and coordinating its preparation.
Anna and Carl Suttor and John Bodensteiner were the other volunteers from the Assembly. Jim Albright, Jim Grant, and Jim Gruenwald represented the HSV veterans' organizations.
On Wednesday evening, July 31, representatives of the Assembly and two Hot Springs Village Veteran's organizations prepared and served their third on-site meal at St Francis House.
Scott Krantz, Dan Murphy, Scott Hornbruch, Jim Gruenewald, David Yard, and Jim Albright. |
The vet volunteers led by Jim Albright included fellow VFW members, Scott Hornbruch and David Yard, as well as American Legion Commander Jim Gruenwald. They brought the Cole slaw to round out the menu. Refreshments were provided by Saint Francis House.
The next on-site meal is scheduled for October with chef Dave Salmen in charge of the menu.
Gordon Wilson (l) and Gerald Krawczynski |
On June 15, Gordon Wilson travelled to Van Buren to be exemplified as a 4th Degree knight. He was accompanied by Financial Secretary Gerald Krawczynski.
Sir Knight Wilson becomes the 156th member of Assembly 2316. Gordon was on a fast track to the 4th Degree. He became a knight April 2, 2013 and that was followed by the 2nd and 3rd degrees on April 7.
The Exemplification ceremony was hosted by Assembly 0025 of Fort Smith and held at St Michael’s Parish, home of Council 9777 in Van Buren AR.
Pictured (l-r): Master of Ceremonies Bill Nosek, Event Coordinator Mike Kerwin, and Choir Direcor Lynne Border |
Following the 9:00am Mass celebrated by Faithful Friar Father Bill Elser, the Patriotic Rosary was led by Father Elser and deacons Bernie Bauer, John Froning, and Larry Lipsmeyer. The Choir with its director Lynne Border partcipated in both the mass and the rosary. Honor Guard members attended the mass and presented the colors in the Sanctuary before the Patriotic Rosary.
Prior to the program beginning in the Lower Hall at 10:45am, the approximately 145 attendees were treated to coffee and pastries. As people entered, they were encouraged to buy 55/50 raffle tickets to benefit the Assembly's Flags Forever program.
The program was as follows with Bill Nosek serving as Master of Ceremonies:
Opening Prayer................................Father Bill Elser
Posting the Colors............................American Legion and VFW
Pledge of Allegiance.........................Bill Evans (American Legion)
National Anthem...............................Pianist Lynne Border
Our Flag...........................................John Speer and Jimmy Weber (Sons of American Revolution)
Flag Trivia.........................................Bill Nosek
Flag Folding Demonstration.............Tom and Karen Johnson (narrated by Jim Albright)
Flags Forever ..................................Bill Nosek (for Russ Harrison)
Drawing of 50/50 Winners................Ray bertrand and Carl Suttor
Patriotic Songs.................................Video with Group Singing led by Choir
She's a Grand Old Flag
God Bless America
America the Beautiful
Closing Prayer..................................Rev. Warren Freiheit (Christ Lutheran Church)
Taps.................................................Alan Harless
A total of $329 was collected from the 50/50 sales with prizes of $83, $52, and $30 awarded. The second recipient returned his winnings, so $217 was gained for the Flags Forever Program, which costs about $300 per year for the flags provided to eight golf courses and four fire stations in the Village.
The Sons of the Revolution DeSoto Trace Chapter distributed to all attendees brochures with many interesting facts about the flag and guidelines for honoring and displaying it.
Check out pictures of the event by clicking on Photos.
Volunteers pictured (l-r): Ruth Kerwin, Anna Suttor, Pat Billings, Mike Kerwin, Kathleen Nosek, Marlene Carl, Gynnie Ambrozich, and Valerie Hartnett |
The following finger food and drinks were made available: variety of finger sandwiches cut in quarters; deviled eggs from many different providers; a veggie tray with a variety of dips; a number of fresh fruit trays; a variety of breads, cookies, brownies and cakes; coffee; and, fruited tea drinks (very popular, Ruth's idea).
The food was served on large dessert plates and 2 to 3 plate loads were the norm. Some vets saved some food items for later in the evening but when we left the food was gone. There were solid interaction and conversation between our team members and the vets.
The volunteers who participated in the evening were:
Food preparers - Jack and Pat Widlowski, Pat Kuhn, Pat Stoiber and Judie Pearson.
Food preparers and attendees - Mike and Ruth Kerwin, Bill and Kathleen Nosek, Bill George, Ed Pilarski, Gerry Krawczynski, Phil and Marlene Carl, Pat Billings, Ray and Gynnie Ambrozich, Bill and Valerie Hartnett, Carl and Anna Suttor, and Jim Albright and Rick Martin from the VFW.
There are now 50+ vets at the House, and it appears that all of them participated in the evening activities. Some, though, did opt to take their food to their room.
The timing of our next Social needs be worked out as many of the team leadership have extensive away time over the next 3 months. Everyone did a great job. It was a very enjoyable evening.
See pictures in Photos.
Arkansas Master Russ Anzalone witnesses the gavel transfer from Ed Miller (l) to Bill Welch, the 2013-2014 Faithful Navigator. |
The ceremony was given for the newly elected officers who will accept their positions on July 1. The officers were escorted by the Honor Guard to receive their instructions from Arkansas Worthy State Master Russell Anzalone of Bella Vista and a blessing from Father Elser.
Bill Welch follows Ed Miller as the Faithful Navigator for the HSV Assembly 2316. Other officers for the 2013-2014 fraternal year include: Captain Dave Johnston; Pilot Bill Gribbon; Comptroller Sam Justus; Scribe Jack Widlowski; Purser Mike Garstecki; Inner Sentinel John Lucas; Outer Sentinel Ray Ambrozich; Admiral Ed Miller; 1st Trustee Mike Kerwin; 2nd Trustee Jerry Bertrand; and, 3rd Trustee Ron Boudreaux.
Mike Kerwin was recognized as the knight of the year for his leadership with the homeless vet project and Flag Day activities. Larry and Carol Cruz were presented a plaque as family of the year for their tireless ministry to Sacred Heart of Jesus Church and for Larry's honor guard service.
There were approximately 64 Knights with their wives in attendance. A delicious meal of lasagna, sweet potatoes, and vegetables was served by the Home Plate restaurant. The dessert was ice cream supplied by Father Elser.
Click on Photos for pictures of the event.