The Sacristy alter area had a picture of Fr. McGivney, flowers provided by the Council, the National ensign, Vatican flag, and Knights of Columbus flag. All Lectures and Servers, the Chaplain, and three Knight Deacons participated in the Mass. Fr. Bill Elser's homily emphasized the work of the Founder and the current organizational focus upon charity and love of God.
A reception was held immediately following the Mass. Fifty-six Knights and their ladies and three Knight widows attended.
Lynn Ables Teen Challenge |
Tom Donnelly, of Council 10208 in Hot Springs Village, explained that an anonymous benefactor, donating to the Campaign for People with Intellectual Disabilities (CPID), asked if a donation for Teen Challenge would be accepted by the Knights. Of course the donation was gladly accepted, and this charitable outreach was passed along to Teen Challenge.
Bob and Mary Anne Honzik |
2016 Knight of the Year - Mike Frantz |
Knight of the Month Ralph Melenson |
Knight of the Month Bob Bowman |
The purpose of the Junior Golf Association shall be to foster, encourage, and promote junior golf activities for young golfers of both sexes between the ages of 8 through a senior in high school. The goals are to accomplish the following:
- To provide opportunities for development of social, physical, emotional and mental skills.
- To teach juniors real life lessons and to influence their character development and good sportsmanship.
- To teach the rules and etiquette of golf.
- To secure instructional practices, playing privileges and other concessions.
- To develop lifelong golfers who will continue to play long after the program is over.
The Junior Golf Program was approved by the Property Owners Association Board of Directors in 1997. The first year for the program was 1998. The program averages 290 juniors each year. There is an average turnover of 85 juniors each year. The program is open to all juniors; no juniors are turned away due to family financial hardships.
In September 1999, we received our state charter as a non-profit corporation, thanks to Merek Rowe of the law firm of Farrar, Reis, Rowe, Nicolosi and Williams who filed the necessary papers.
In December 1999, we received notification that we qualified as a 501(c) (3) thanks to Dennis Fason, CPA of the accounting firm of Jordon, Woosley, Crone, and Keaton who filed the necessary papers.
In 2005 the IRS approved a scholarship program for Junior Golf Association. As of 2013, $2,000 in scholarships have been awarded to 42 Juniors.
Jack Barry has been the President since 2002. Under his leadership, the program continues to grow and prosper.
On July 20, 2017, our Knights provided a fried chicken dinner in Little Rock for our homeless vets. We were assisted by the American Legion of HSV. Thank you 4th Degree Knights and parishioners who helped with this worthy endeavor.
St. Francis House Dinner July 20 |
St. Francis House Dinner July 20 |
Blind Bowling Camp 2017 |
We had a good turnout of volunteers consisting of: 19 Knights, ten spouses, three relatives and also eight members of the Lion’s Club.
Our event coordinator, Mike Frantz, received a “Thank You” from many of the bowlers and volunteers alike, and he offers his sincere appreciation to each and every one who contributed to this successful event.
Bernie and Marilyn Bauers |
Deacon Bernie, we all wish you and Marilyn the peace that belies all understandin, the peace of Christ, all you enter the next stage of your pilgrimage on this earth.