During the Supreme Convention, a three minute video was shown about Kendrick Castillo, a young hero, killed as he protected his classmates. During the convention and by acclamation, he was granted full, KC membership, posthumously.
Click on the following links for the video and the story written by his Father. God Bless them both.
Kendrick Castillo, A Young Hero
Click on the following links for the video and the story written by his Father. God Bless them both.
Kendrick Castillo, A Young Hero
Chris Gleason was recognized as an Honorary Member for 25 years as a Knight. He was exemplified as a 1st Degree Knight on June 1, 1994 and became a Sir Knight of the 4th Degree on June 3, 2012.
Congratulations to Chris for his faithful service to the Knights of Columbus.
Congratulations to Chris for his faithful service to the Knights of Columbus.
Family of the Month for July 2019 - Mike and Chris Franz |
Mike joined the 4th Degree
He helps with putting up the Flags on all the Holidays
Does Perpetual Adoration on Saturdays from 11:00 to 12:00 PM
On the First-Degree Exemplification Team
Does Helping Hands, Food for Seniors and Food Baskets
Ushers on Saturday at the 5:00 PM Mass
Helps with the Parish Breakfast
Helps with the Blind Camp transportation and Bowling
Works with the Animal Welfare League, aluminum can recycling, Spay/Neuter clinics and fund raisers
Is a Blood Donor
A lot about Chris
She is a member of LOSH, St. Anthony Guild
Coordinates the Funeral Ministry
Participates in Helping Hands and Sunshine Cards
Does perpetual Adoration on Mondays from 1:00 to 2:00 PM
Participates in Good Sam’s Bingo, Meals on Wheels, Animal Welfare League, Adoption Center Worker and Fund Raisers
Does Setup with the Church and Sacristy flower arrangements with three other ladies
Work Crew Pictured from L-R: Randy Godwin, Shane Clark, Mike Miller, Terry Hopson |
The Knights of Columbus Daniel P. Sullivan Council 10208 of Hot Springs Village is so blessed to have the caring Brother Knights as a part of this council.
A group of Knights saw a need to clean up and improve the Sacred Heart Circle. This is the area just in front of the Lower Hall where there is now a Feature Stone placed and the Sacred Heart of Jesus Statue installed.
On June 4, 2019 at the monthly Council Meeting, a discussion between Brothers Bob Honzik, Ed Doyle, David Witchger and Jim Anderson took place concerning the condition of the Sacred Heart Circle. It was agreed that Brother Jim Anderson would be the point man on the project on behalf of the Council.
On June 12 the Guide lines were established with Preliminary sketches and material lists sent to Bennet Brothers Contracting for estimates and further discussion on how to proceed. Then on June 14, an estimated budget was presented to the group, Father Bill Elser; pastor for Sacred Heart, Grand Knight Ed Doyle and the Administration and Finance Council.
With the budget approved by all parties involved, the work started to clear and prepare the area on June 25. Once this was done, the real work followed with the area being cleared, the Feature Stone placed, the Heart of Jesus Statue installed, New Irrigation and Sprinklers installed, Stone and Mortar work, Plantings with top soil and mulch beds completed. The next step was to lay the weed barrier cloth, finish gravel, site cleanup and solar lighting.
Much Credit goes to Bob Honzik who pushed for this project and GK Ed Doyle for supporting it. The Council provided $2,000.00 being held in escrow to help pay for the project, however an Anonymous Brother Knight stepped up and paid for the entire project of $5,410.00. God Bless this Knight!! He requested the $2,000.00 in Escrow be used for future maintenance of the circle.
You can visit the 3rd Degree Photo section for all the photos as the project progressed from Start to Finish.
2018-2019 Daniel P. Sullivan Council 10208 of Hot Springs Village Family of the Year Bob and Mary Anne Honzik |
A well deserves award for Bob and Mary Ann!!
They are huge contributors to the success of Council 10208:
Spearheaded Council 10208's "Share-a-Chair" program, in which more than eighty living-room style chairs were donated, refurbished and delivered to the diocesan retreat center at Fletcher Hall in Little Rock; organized and ran the council's annual "Taste of Faith" seminarian fundraiser for eight years with this year's event raising $29,500.00; Bob is a past Grand Knight, current council Trustee and current Arkansas State Council Vocations Director; Mary Anne is the co-chair of the pricing committee for the council's biennial "Treasure Sale" that benefits St. John's School in Hot Springs and Our Lady of Fatima School in Benton raising over $8,000.00 for each school. Bob is a high energy recruiter playing a big role in the steady growth of this Council's membership in recent years; in this fraternal year with his initiative, council 10208 has sent $5,000.00 to the State Council for the Bishop's newly announced "One Church" program to aid poverty stricken parishes in the Diocese of Little Rock; Bob and Mary Anne were the main drivers in our council's "Priest's Circle Initiative" motivating our members to raise over $7,000.00 to completely renovate the burial area.
Bob has been an active member of the Sacred Heart Parish Administration Council and an Usher for 16 years while Mary Anne is an Altar Server and Eucharistic Minister. Bob sits on the Diocesan Board of Director's for Seminarian Endowment Funding. With his close relationship to Bishop Taylor, Bob and Mary Anne have hosted a Gala Christmas Party for the past nine years at their home that allows our parish members to develop a closer relationship with our future priests. Bob has been instrumental in organizing a very successful parish men's retreat at the newly renovated diocesan retreat center at Fletcher Hall in Little Rock. The Second Annual Retreat was held this past March.
In addition to all of the above, their involvement in the community includes: Sending cards and messages of sympathy to shut-ins, prepare and deliver meals to the sick, visit the sick at their homes or in the hospital and deliver food baskets to needy families at Christmas and Thanksgiving.
Bob and Mary Anne have been retired many years and could be spending their time relaxing. Instead, they constantly look for ways to use their leadership abilities to help other people in so many ways. Council 10208 is a high-performance council, but this level of success doesn't just happen. It is a family like Bob and Mary Anne that inspires other Knight's to extend themselves and go the extra mile for their fellow man. Doing this every day eminently qualifies them to be honored as "Family of the Year?
2018-2019 Daniel P. Sullivan Council 10208 of Hot Springs Village Knight of the Year – Colonel Thomas (Tom) Donnelly, USMC (retired) Ed.D. |
He has held the positions of Council Community Director, Deputy Grand Knight, Grand Knight twice, Membership Committee, Retention Committee, Recruiting Committee, State Council CPID Director, Warden for the District 10 Formation Degree Exemplification Team, 1st Trustee and is currently the Faithful Captain of Assembly 2316, Honor Guard member, and 2nd Trustee for Council 10208.
Not only has he done so much for the Knights, he takes a tremendous amount of time for the Church.
Perpetual Adoration, serves as an Usher, participates in Parish and Knights of Columbus Retreats annually, attends daily mass most days, attends the Catholics Men’s Conference annually, and either organizes or helps in most Parish and Knights of Columbus Activities.
I could go on and on about how much Sir Knight Tom does in the community and continues to help wherever there is a need. His philosophy is to lead by example with the strongest emphasis on servant leadership; Leaders serve and lead from the Front!! He lives the four tenets of our fraternal order: Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism. In every and all endeavors he pragmatically encourages all of us to “be the best we can” with what God provides us. He sets the achievement bar high, never asking anyone to do what he is not willing to do himself. He demonstrates daily a sense of duty to his Church, his community his brothers.
An award well deserved!! Congratulations Sir Knight Tom on being selected as the Knight of the Year.
June 2019 Family of the Month – Murray and Kim Claassen |
Murray does the following for the Knights too:
Council Treasurer for Fiscal Year 2017 and 2018
CPID Chair for 2018 and 2019
Elected Deputy Grand Knight for Fiscal year 2019
Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish Finance and Administration Council Member
Chair of the HSV Public Services Committee 2018 and 2019
Member of the HSV Comprehensive Master Plan Advisory Committee
Kim’s additional work:
LOSH – St. Teresa Guild member
Tutors 2nd and 3rd Graders in reading and math weekly at Mountain Pine School
A well-deserved award for the this parish couple.
June 2019 Knight of the Month – Scott Krantz |
Chairman of the five to six Parish Breakfasts Annually
Perpetual Adoration Adorer
Assistant Coordinator for the Parish Pizza Card Sales
Ticket seller for numerous KoC events
Assisted with previous Mardi Gras functions
Former Inside and Outside Guard for 6 years for the KoC
Participates in the Annual Bishop McDonald Charity Golf Tournament in Little Rock
A well deserved award for Scott
Officers for the 2019-2020 Fraternal Year |
Knights of Columbus Daniel P. Sullivan Council 10208 of Hot Springs Village Installation of Officers
On July 2, 2019, Brother Knights, their wives and guests gathered in the Lower Hall of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church for the installation of Officers who will serve for the 2019-2020 Fraternal year.
A wonderful meal was provided by Johanna Westerman and her team doing an excellent job as always. The Refreshment Center was manned by Mike Webster. The Pennies from Heaven bucket was passed during the meal.
Grand Knight Ed Doyle recognized Brothers Lanny Mabus and Mike Franztz for building the benches that were on display in the back of the hall. They will be installed in the new St. John’s Courtyard in Hot Springs and dedicated to the late Father YC.
Father Mauricio receiving check from GK Ed Doyle |
GK Doyle welcomed our special guest, Father Mauricio Carrasco who has responsibilities in three parishes here in Arkansas and has been working hard to raise money to send his young parishioners to the Catholic Youth Summer Camp in Steubenvill, MO. GK Doyle was happy to tell him that council 10208 had raised 2090.00 to insure all of the children would be able to attend this important event.
Award Presentations were given out for the following:
June Knight of the Month, Scott Krantz.
June Family of the Month, Murray and Kim Claassen .
Knight of the Year 2018-2019, Tom Donnelly.
Family of the Year 2018-2019, Bob and Mary Honzik.
The meeting was then turned over to District Deputy Andy Anderson to confer the installation of Council 10208 for the coming year. The new Officers are:
Grand Knight – Rich Rivera
Deputy Grand Knight – Murray Claassen
Chancellor – Ted Otero
Financial Secretary – Rick Phillips
Warden – Ron Cuba
Recorder – Mark Leslie
Treasurer – Russ Harrison
Advocate – Bob Kulas
Trustee #1 – Ed Doyle
Trustee #2 – Tom Donnelly
Trustee #3 – Gary Wolfer
Lecturer – Walter Free
Inside Guard – Klaus Pawlik
Outside Guard – Francisco Gutierrez
Let us keep all these men in our prayers, that they may faithfully execute the duties of their office, bring honor to Council 10208, and Glory to Christ in everything they do.
Worthy Chancellor then read the Good of the Order. Father Bill led the congregation in prayer for our Distressed Brothers and Sisters and then a closing prayer. Meeting was adjourned.
Award Presentations were given out for the following:
June Knight of the Month, Scott Krantz.
June Family of the Month, Murray and Kim Claassen .
Knight of the Year 2018-2019, Tom Donnelly.
Family of the Year 2018-2019, Bob and Mary Honzik.
The meeting was then turned over to District Deputy Andy Anderson to confer the installation of Council 10208 for the coming year. The new Officers are:
Grand Knight – Rich Rivera
Deputy Grand Knight – Murray Claassen
Chancellor – Ted Otero
Financial Secretary – Rick Phillips
Warden – Ron Cuba
Recorder – Mark Leslie
Treasurer – Russ Harrison
Advocate – Bob Kulas
Trustee #1 – Ed Doyle
Trustee #2 – Tom Donnelly
Trustee #3 – Gary Wolfer
Lecturer – Walter Free
Inside Guard – Klaus Pawlik
Outside Guard – Francisco Gutierrez
Let us keep all these men in our prayers, that they may faithfully execute the duties of their office, bring honor to Council 10208, and Glory to Christ in everything they do.
Worthy Chancellor then read the Good of the Order. Father Bill led the congregation in prayer for our Distressed Brothers and Sisters and then a closing prayer. Meeting was adjourned.