Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
      Daniel P. Sullivan Council 10208
    Fr. Victor A. Bieberle Assembly 2316
Grand Knight Murray Claassen with the January 2022 Family of the Month, Dwayne and Debbie Garrett
Grand Knight Murray Claassen with the January 2022 Family of the Month, Dwayne and Debbie Garrett

Dwayne and Debbie serve as coordinators of the Parish Welcome Committee.  They are Perpetual Adorers.  Dwayne is an usher at 10:00 Mass and volunteers for most of the Knight's charitable activities.  He is also an active member of the Men's Club.  Debbie is a member of the LOSH St. Elizabeth Guild. 
Grand Knight Murray Claassen presenting the Family of the Month Award to Bill and Kathleen Nosek
Grand Knight Murray Claassen presenting the Family of the Month Award to Bill and Kathleen Nosek

Bill has done and is still doing so much for the Knights, Church and Community.

Here are many things he has done and continues to do:
Has recruited many many men of the Parish encouraging them to join the Knights.
As soon as they become Knights, he then continues to nourish them in their ongoing adventure in the Knights of Columbus to become a Sir Knight of the 4th Degree.
He spearheaded the annual opportunity for his fellow parishioners to get their annual flu shot here at Sacred Heart Parish and was influential and active in the effort in the community to get people vaccinated against the coronavirus.
He participates in many civic organizations and activities including the Paul Bewie Boys Club and the HSV Community Foundation. He is a PEA adorer, a member of the SHJ Health Ministry committee and a volunteer with Kathleen and fellow parishioners in serving meals to the homeless at Samaritan Ministries and St. Francis Home for Veterans.
Bill was a pharmacist by profession, an honorably discharged army captain, and is an active member of the Sacred Heart Men's Club.
He just recently was awarded the SHJ V.I.P (Very Important Parishioner) Award for November

Kathleen is just as active as Bill in the church. Her participation in the Music ministry is quite impressive; 10:00 o'clock Mass Mixed Choir for 22 years; Resurrection Choir; Combined Choir and Cantor
A member of All Saints Guild for 25 years; Prayer Warrior and 10 week scripture study group.
Out in the community she volunteers for the following; Prepares and serves meals for the Samaritan Ministries, St. Francis House, Homeless Vets; SHJ Basket Program for Thanksgiving and Angel Tree during the Christmas Holidays.
She volunteers for: SHJ COVID Clinic; SHJ quadrivalent flu Clinic for many years; Food Preparation for many of the SHJ Bake Sales and Funeral Receptions.
She participates and assists on Tuesday and Thursday's exercise program helping with the sign-in, and due to COVID the temperature checks and equipment distribution.
And many may not be aware, she is also the Author of two books on Dyslexia.
The SHJ church and community are very fortunate to have these wonderful people in our church. They are totally deserving of the Knights of Columbus Family of the Month Award
Tony and Marilyn Cifelli
Tony and Marilyn Cifelli

Here is a brief list of why Tony and Marilyn are Family of the Month. Anyone that has been Program Director for 5 years deserves special recognition. 

1) Program Director for 5 years 

        - Managed the Councils calendar of events

        - Managed the various Directors in successfully handling their projects

         - Ensured all required reports on our Councils activities were provided to

            the State & Supreme 

2 ) Special Olympics (both Marilyn & I)

3) Samaritan Ministries (both Marilyn & I)

4) Eucharistic Adoration (both Marilyn & I)

5) helped with tickets sales for fundraisers

6) helped with set up and tear down of tables for various fundraisers - (Both Marilyn & I)

7) Participated in leading  the decades of Rosary before mass

8) Helped with CPID gate collections

9) Helped with running of the Rose's

10) Active with a fundraisers during my 5 years as program Director

11) Participated in "Walking with Purpose".  (Marilyn Only)