Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
      Daniel P. Sullivan Council 10208
    Fr. Victor A. Bieberle Assembly 2316
2012 Mem Mass Resized.24
2012 Mem Mass Resized.24
Deacon Larry  was very involved with the recent Treasure Sale and is a member of the Columbarium Committee.

Being a Deacon, Larry is very involved with assisting Father Bill at mass along with homilies when requested and gives reflections at daily mass once every two weeks. He helps in  praying the patriotic rosary and with funeral preparation for the mass of the deceased.

He attends meetings involving the Pastoral Council, Liturgy Commission and Educational Commission. He also instructs and trains the Extra Ordinary Ministers for Communion to the home bound. He leads the rosary at our Tuesday dinner meetings.

Jan Lipsmeyer is a member of the Village Quilt Guild and the Pastoral Council. She also schedule and trains the Extra Ordinary ministers for communion at Mass. And lastly, she is the chairperson of the Liturgy Commission. Let’s all welcome Larry and Jan on this important honor.

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Bill Roe (l) presents award to Carol and Larry Cruz
This month’s award goes to Larry and Carol Cruz.  Both are very involved with Sacred Heart Church. In case you did not know it, they are both Sacristans and take care of setting up the altar for Mass. They also order all the necessary supplies pertaining to the altars, such as communion hosts, wine, candles, linens, etc. They are also responsible for keeping the sanctuary clean and dusted. They are both extra-ordinary ministers of communion. Carol takes care of the flower board, order flowers, and takes care of the plants and the candles. She also decorates the church on special occasions, such as Christmas and Easter.  She is also an altar server and is Deacon Larry’s secretary. Larry volunteers for CPID, visits the sick, helps with the flags and recently helped in putting out the crosses. He is also a member of the 4th degree Honor Guard. Please help me welcome Larry and Carol as they come up for their well earned certificate for Family of the Month.

2012 Sept mtg resized 2
Mike and Chris Frantz with Grand Knight Bill Roe
The Family of the Month is Mike and Chris Frantz. Mike is a member of the 1st Degree Exemplification Team, assists with parish breakfasts, coordinates and maintains the grounds at McAuley Center, assisted with the council picnic, and coordinated volunteers for the Blind Camp Bowling. He also volunteers for Food for Seniors, Holiday Food Baskets, Campaign for People with Intellectual Disabilities, Special Olympics, the Sacred Heart Disaster Response Team, the parish Treasure Sale, the Animal Welfare League, and is a regular blood donor. Mike built and hung the display board for the Council's awards.

Mike's wife, Chris, is a regular volunteer at the Rice Depot, Animal Shelter, and the East Gate. She has served as co-chair of St. Anthony’s Guild and is a member of Helping Hands and participates in Food for Seniors, the Blind Camp Bowling, and the Holiday Food Baskets at both Thanksgiving and Christmas.