Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church
      Daniel P. Sullivan Council 10208
    Fr. Victor A. Bieberle Assembly 2316
Walter Free Knight of the Month March 2022
Walter Free Knight of the Month March 2022

Walter Free is this March's Knight of the Month. All of us know that Walter has always been one of our greatest Knights. Always there, always volunteering, many times with his wife Judy by his side. When I ask Walter if he would like to make a few comments that I could put on our website regarding Knight of the Month status. His comment was great!! "Just say I'm honored to be selected, especially when I know how much so many other Knights do". That exactly explains how we all know Walter, to the point and thanks for thinking of me - but it's the work that all of us do. Walter Free, a hard working Man of God that makes all of us a little better. 
Grand Knight Murray Claassen presenting Jim Bergstrom with the Knight of the Month Award
Grand Knight Murray Claassen presenting Jim Bergstrom with the Knight of the Month Award

Brother Jim expressed his heartfelt thanks for being considered worthy of receiving this Award stating there were many other Brother Knight far more deserving of it. Well, Jim has done a lot to be so deserving of this award:

Jim was the New Year's Eve party coordinator.
Sought & acquired business donations and collected at gates for the Campaign for Adults With Disabilities 
Assisted with the placing of crosses for Right to Life month
Assisted w/various meals as server, money collector, etc
Is a member or the Brother Knight Outreach Program started by Ricky Phillips
A REY instructor w/Ed Doyle the past 2 years, and a sub the year prior. 
An adorer for the Perpetual Adoration team 

Congratulations Jim for receiving the Knight of the Month Award!!

Grand Knight Murray Claassen with Brother Phil Stephenson January 2022 Knight of the Month
Grand Knight Murray Claassen with Brother Phil Stephenson January 2022 Knight of the Month

As a long-time member of the Sunday choir (sometimes as the only male voice) and a longstanding commitment to helping feed the hungry at Jackson House once a week for at least fifteen years, Brother Phil Stephenson has been awarded the January 2022 Knight of the Month.