Installation of the 2024-2025 Officers
Installation of the 2024-2025 Officers

On Saturday, June 29th, Father Victor A. Bieberle Assembly #2316 installed its new officers for the Fraternal Year 2024/2025 (pictured above). They are (left to right) Frank Klier (for John Bodin), Faithful Pilot; Bob Kulas, Faithful Purser; Ted Otero, Outer Sentinel; Father Bill Elser, Faithful Friar; Jerry Kordsmeier, Inner Sentinel; Larry Gremillion, Faithful Scribe; Pat McGannon, Faithful Navigator; State Deputy Lloyd Cambre, Conferring Officer; Ed Doyle, Third Trustee; Dave Witchger, Faithful Admiral; John Weidert, First Trustee; Bill Patterson, Faithful Comptroller; Russell Tessier, Faithful Captain. Missing form photo, Randy Schnoebelen, Second Trustee.

The Fourth Degree is the highest degree-level of the Knights of Columbus and it is devoted to the virtue of Patriotism. Our assembly now has almost 200 members and we conduct many patriotic events throughout the fraternal year. The Supreme Council instituted the 4th Degree in the year 1900 and we look forward to celebrating the 125th anniversary in 2025!