Brother Russ Harrison accepting the Knight of the Month Award from GK John Weidert
Brother Russ Harrison accepting the Knight of the Month Award from GK John Weidert

Russ Harrison is a standard setter.  Currently, and for 3 years now, He has been a Jackson House Lunch Program volunteer.  For the last 20 years, Russ has set up the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christmas Manger Scene display.  Russ and his Wife Sheila are on the Sacred Heart of Jesus Food Basket Committee, responsible for ordering, picking the food up, and packing the Christmas family food boxes.  Russ is, and has been for 14 years, the Flags Forever Chairman for the Hot Springs Village Golf Courses and Fire Stations.  And for the last 6 years the Sacred Heart of Jesus Flag Chairman, responsible for setup, and take down of our Nations Flag on National Holidays.  For the last 3 years, Russ has been on the Cemetery Committee, and responsible for ordering and installing name plaques on Columbarium niches.  And he has recently assumed the Chairmanship of the Cemetery Committee.  Russ is also a current Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Adorer, Secretary of the Men's Club and a Mass Server for the last 23 years.

Brother Knight Russ Harrison has quite a past record of noteworthy achievements as well.  He was the past Sacred Heart of Jesus Men's Club President in 2003 and 2004, and our Faithful Navigator in 2008.  Over the years, Russ held multiple Officer and Director chair positions in both North Little Rock Council and Sacred Heart of Jesus Council.  In 1992, for all their outstanding accomplishments, Russ and Sheila were nominated, North Little Rock Council, and won, Arkansas, Family of the Year.  Russ has always been a leader.  As such, he was the North Little Rock Council Grand Knight in 1988 and our Sacred Heart of Jesus Council Grand Knight in 2006.  Brother Knight Russ Harrison is superb in all he does, and has done.  His distinction as February 2025, Knight of the Month, is very well deserved.