(Dick Breckon)

A. Church (Tom Yerina)
Knights Primary Responsibility
  1. Retreat at Jesuit Montserrat Retreat Center (Tom Yerina)
  2. RSVP Seminarian Support (Tom Yerina)
  3. Put Christ in Christmas Billboard (John Bodensteiner)
  4. Recognition of CCD Teachers (Dave Johnston)
  5. Vocations for Priests/Deacons (Tom Yerina)
  6. Maintenance of Rectory Yard (Mike Frantz)
  7. Changing Missals and Song Books in Church (Buddy Dixon)
  8. Support
    1. Appreciation Dinner for Religious Leaders (4th Degree)
    2. CCD Program (Scott Isaacs)
    3. Why Catholic? Discussion Groups (Larry Lipsmeyer)
    4. Special Topics Discussion Groups (Larry Lipsmeyer)
    5. First Friday Mass, Adoration, and Benediction – encourage participation
    6. World Day of Prayer for Peace (Bill Welch)
    7. Subiaco Retreats for Arkansas Knights and Spouses (Bill Welch)
    8. Liturgical Ministries - encourage participation
      • Eucharistic Extraordinary Ministers (Larry Lipsmeyer)
      • Lectors (Dan Stehling)
      • Money Counters (Mike Kerwin)
      • Music - Cantors (Buddy Dixon)
      • Music - Choir (Ron Cuba)
      • Servers (Bill Burke)
      • Ushers (Chuck Ralph )
    B. Community (Milt Spaniel)
    Knights Primary Responsibility
    1. Christmas Baskets of Food and Gifts (Ed Keearns)
    2. Persons with Disabilities – ( Phil Carl & Milt Spaniel)
    3. Special Olympics (Bill Welch and Dub Green)
    4. Blood Drive Recruitment (John Bodensteiner)
    5. Unborn Child - Mass and Procession (Larry Cruz)
    6. McAuley Center Grounds Maintenance (Mike Frantz)
    7. Pennies from Heaven (Tom Ament)
    8. Pro-Life Initiatives (Rolf and Kathy Oesterle)
    9. Running of the Silver Rose - Canada to Mexico (Ron Boudreaux)
    10. Transportation for McAuley Center Attendees (Ray Bertrand)
    11. Meals on Wheels in Garland County - Tuesdays (Dave Salmen)
    12. Rice Depot - Food for Seniors (John Bodensteiner)
    13. March for Life (Clifford Kernen)
    1. Mass and the March for Life in Little Rock (Church)
    2. Habitat for Humanity (Dave Witchger)
    3. Sacred Heart Helping Hands - (Contact, Bill Welch)
    4. Disaster Response Team (John Bodensteiner)
    5. National Camps for Blind Children (Mike Frantz)
    6. Jackson House for People in Crisis (Marvin Young)
    C. Council (Rolland White)
    Knights Primary Responsibility
    1. Prayer List (Rolland White)
    2. First Degree Exemplification Team (Tom Yerina)
    3. Knight of the Month Award (Officers)
    4. Knight of the Year Award (Officers)
    5. Installation of Officers, Meeting, and Dinner – (Rolland White)
    6. Rosary before Membership Meetings (Larry Lipsmeyer)
    7. Dining before Membership Meetings (Chuck Ralph)
    8. Kitchen Crew (Rick Hiemenz)
    9. Member Interest Survey (Dick Breckon)
    10. Council History (Bill Welch & John Bodenstenier)
    1. Parish Breakfasts  (Chuck Ralph & Rick Hiemenz)
    2. Fall Fest Dinner  (Rolland White & Jim Elder)
    3. Christmas Charity for Families in Need & Ham Sales (Bill Roe)
    4. New Year’s Eve Party (Russ Harrison))
    5. Mardi Gras Party (Terry O’Brien)
    6. Seminarian Foundation (Bill Welch)
    D. Family (Mac Good)
    Knights Primary Responsibility
    1. Spring Picnic (Mac Good)
    2. Family of the Month Award (Officers)
    3. Family of the Year Award (Officers)
    4. Memorial Mass for Deceased Knights (Buddy Dixon and Mac Good)
    5. Lenten Corporate Communion 8:00 am mass, continental breakfast (Mac Good)
    6. St. John’s School Support – (Bill Welch)
    E. Youth (Ike Eisenhauer)
    Knights Primary Responsibility
    1. Free Throw Contest (Ike Eisenhauer)
    2. National Camps for Blind Children – CCD Teens – (Mike Frantz)
    1. Boys and Girls Club
      • Administration (Ike Eisenhauer)
      • Maintenance of Fields (Mike Frantz)


    A. Membership (Mike Welsh)
    1. Recruitment (Mike Welsh)
    2. Mentoring Recruits and New Members (Mike Welsh & Volunteers)
    3. Retention (Dave Johnston, Bill Welch, Tom Thornton & Mike Welsh)
    4. Insurance Promotion (Randy Schnoebelen)
    B. Communications (Art Morissette)
    1. Newsletter - Replaced by Web Site Homepage (Bill Welch, John Bodenstenier)
    2. Web Site Manager (Mike Miller)
    3. Membership Directory on Web Site (Tom Thornton)
    4. Email Notices to Membership (Art Morissette and Bill Welch)
    5. Maintain & Update Brochure as Needed (Bill Welch)
    6. Newspaper Articles (John Bodensteiner, Dave Johnston)
    7. Church Bulletin Announcements (Art Morissette)
    8. Meeting Minutes on Web Site (Steve Schramer & Bill Welch)
    9. Dynamic Calendar (Bill Welch, John Bodensteiner & Mike Miller)