Gordon Wilson
Gordon Wilson
Gordon sets up and takes down crosses for ending abortion.  He promotes and participates in the March for Life in Little Rock. He assists with Baby Bottle Program.  He sets up, serves and cleans up at Council breakfasts on Sundays.  Gordon puts up and takes down flags on flag days.  He assists at Council recruitment weekends.  He helps bowlers at National Camp for Blind.  He solicits CPID funds by working at Walmart and Cranford's.

He is a member of the Assembly's Honor Guard.  Gordon is a member of Parish Life Council, a perpetual adoration adorer, an altar server, and a Eucharistic Minister.  Gordon has been a member of the Sacred Heart’s Men’s Club since 2000, and he sells tickets and assists at Chicken and Fish Bakes. 

Gordon donates food weekly to Jackson House, and he coordinates weekly Spades and Games sessions in the upper hall.  He assists the Sacred Heart Singles group with pot luck events.  Gordon helps keep HSV clean by participating in Village Pride Days.  He is a member of the American Legion Post 0123.