June 2018 Knight of the Month - Lanny Mabus
June 2018 Knight of the Month - Lanny Mabus
Lanny Mabus is a tireless worker for his church, his community and his council.  Here are some of the activities he’s involved in: Lanny ushers at the Saturday evening Masses and serves on the Parish Liturgy Commission as the usher coordinator.  He is a perpetual adorer on Mondays from 7:00 to 8:00.  Once a month, he and Kathy make sandwiches and serve the homeless at the Salvation Army.  At least twice a year he delivers food for seniors in Hot Springs.  Quarterly, he prepares food and serves it at St. Francis House for homeless vets in Little Rock.  Lanny travels over 3,000 miles a year doing volunteer work. 

He is a member of the Woodworkers Club and coordinates their bookcase program.  In three local schools, children who read above their grade level are rewarded with a hand-made bookcase, complete with a personalized name plate.  Lanny and his guys have built 53 of these bookcases already this year!  His latest project for the church is the beautiful shelf on the front of the ambo on the altar.  When you’re enjoying your burger tomorrow at our parish picnic, it will have been cooked on our new 8-burner grille that was assembled by Mike Frantz and, you guessed it, Lanny Mabus. 

On behalf of the Council, Lanny, thank you and please accept our recognition as Knight of the Month.