Family of the Month - Mike and Annie Webster
Family of the Month - Mike and Annie Webster

Annie, still works from home and hopefully will retire at the end of the year.  She helps set up and tear down for the parking lot masses, she is an EM , and lector. She helped with the SC Covid days when we hosted. She also helps during Holy Week volunteering for anything Fr. Bill needs. 

Mike is a 4th degree Knight, member of the Honor Guard, bartender for the Council, 1st VP for the Men's Club, ran the parking lot for the SC Covid shots, and also the past two Knights' Fish Fries. He is also in charge of the lectors and also EM.  Set up for the parking lot and tear down. Volunteers for Mens Club Meals on Wheels and the Knights County Meals on Wheels, volunteer to set and take down the crosses of life in front of church and volunteer for Trash pick up for the Men's Club.