Walter and Judy Free Family of Month
Walter and Judy Free Family of Month
Congratulation to Walter and Judy Free for being honored as Council 10208 April Family of the Month!

Walter is instrumental in coordinating the Junior Golf program in HSV, as well as helping with the Free Throw contest for area children.  He also helps cook at the Councils Fourth of July Picnics, and the Lenten Fish Fry.  Walter is very involved in the coats for kids projects, as well as helping to man the concession stand at the Jessieville Basketball games.  He sells tickets for both the Fish Fry and the million dollar truck raffle.  Walter also helps to put up and take down the crosses for life.

Judy assists Walter each year at the Special Olympics, as well as the Fourth of July picnics.  She helps make posters for the free throw shooting contest, as well as help at the concession stand at Jessieville during the recent State Tournament.  Judy is the Captain of the St. Judes Guild, which supports religious education for youth, as well as coordinates the receptions for First Communion and Confirmations.  She helps deliver baskets at Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter.

Our Council is indeed lucky to have such a hardworking family to carry forth so many projects and activities.