Long Term Care Awareness Month

Q. "I've heard about nursing home insurance and how expensive it is.
A. Actually, paying 20 years of premiums, could be less than 1 year cost of a nursing home.

Q. I think I'm better off financially if I self-insure myself.
A. You may want to rethink this, look what happen to the markets. If you had a million dollars in principal this would generate $50,000 income. Cost of care could be $50,000 to $125,000 a year, depending on where you live. Where would you find the additional funds without getting into you principal? 

Q. Am I missing something, because I hear of more people are buying LTCi?
A. Yes, especially with the market like it is. One must be able to protect your assets and income. 

Call me and I can answer your Questions!!! 

A Brother Knight Helping You Help You and Your Loved Ones.

Randy Schnoebelen, FICF