Secure Future?????

Why do we go to work every day?  The answer is obvious, or is it?  Yes, we have to make a living to feed and clothe ourselves and families. How much thought have you put into your future?   How about retirement savings and protection from now until then?   How  much  do I need  besides my social security benefits to still  be self sufficient?   Have you done everything that you need to do to secure your future?   Yes. No!  I am working on that,   I just have not had time to work out all the details.   Gosh,  I just have too many other things pressing me right now, but I will eventually get it done.  Do you have a will? 

I’m working as hard as I can!  What else can I do?   Well, brother Knights of Columbus, we have begun a New Year, but  have we done  all the things  that we need to do to secure our futures?

 Is it  better to get started now  and do a little bit rather than doing nothing?  Of course it is.  Do you believe in the Knights of Columbus?  Of course you do, or you would not be a member.  Now is the time to plan.  “Secure your future with a Knights of Columbus Insurance Policy”.  Save for your retirement with Knights of Columbus Annuities.  Keep your retirement savings secure with Knights of Columbus Long Term Care

Brother Knights,  let’s make out that will, so that YOU decide what happens to YOU and YOUR Family’s Estate, not a Judge.

A Brother Knight helping You Protect You and Your Loved Ones. 

Have a Productive and Blessed 2010. 

Call me. Let’s talk. 

Randy Schnoebelen, FICF