It seems like just yesterday…

Any parent reading this will quickly come up with countless ways to complete that last sentence.  The point is – time flies, and tomorrow will (has) arrived quicker than expected.  Will you be ready?

If you meet annually with your professional Knights of Columbus agent and address the needs that his analysis uncovers, the answer – at least financially – will be ‘Yes.’  During that annual visit, he’ll take the time to review your needs, goals and budget.  He’ll recommend a program of life insurance, long term care insurance, and guaranteed income annuities that will help you rest easy at night.

Paying for college for your children may be one of your family’s current needs.  You may be concerned about a comfortable, worry-free retirement, or about needing costly long-term care that could deplete your hard-earned assets, or about  having something to leave for your children or grandchildren.

Whatever your needs, whatever your concerns, I can help.  Call me – let’s talk.

A brother knight helping you protect you and your loved ones!

Randy Schnoebelen